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In 12th century, the Buddhist priest Eisai brought tea ( Camellia sinensis L.) seeds to Japan from China and now tea plants are cultivated all over Japan except in the Hokkaido and Tohoku districts. The quality (reflected in the price) of Japanese green tea is affected by the nitrogen content. Consequently in tea fields, for last three decades large amounts of fertilizer have been applied to produce high quality tea. As a result, problems such as acidification of soil have been caused. It is also known that the growth of tea plants is stimulated by the addition of aluminum (Al) under acidic conditions. In this keynote address, some problems caused by excess applications of fertilizer in tea fields and the growth characteristics of tea plants related to Al are presented.  相似文献   
对油茶接穗木质化程度和砧木与嫁接苗成活率及其生长的相关性进行了研究,结果表明:①刚木质化、半木质化、全木质化3个试验处理对嫁接苗成活率、抽梢率、高生长、地径差异极显著,接穗刚木质化处理成活率94.67%、抽梢率92.00%、高生长6.19cm效果较好;②砧木采用胚芽和胚根嫁接对嫁接苗成活率、抽梢率、生长势差异显著,胚芽...  相似文献   
以良种油茶种子和嫁接苗为试验材料,设计3种外源激素处理方式,探讨外源激素对油茶种子萌发、根系生长及油茶轻基质嫁接容器苗生长的影响。结果表明:适宜的激素处理对油茶种的根系生长、出芽和轻基质嫁接容器苗的生长具有促进作用。用50mg/L ABT处理过的油茶种子根系生长迅速、主根饱满健壮、须根浓密,发根质量好,Ⅱ级根出现早,须根出现和出芽时间比对照均提前7d左右。在轻基质嫁接容器苗株高生长和地径生长上具有显著的生长优势,可以在生产中推广使用。  相似文献   
2010年9月20测量了大别山系列油茶优良品种1号、2号、3号及4号光合特性的日变化,结果表明:(1)4个油茶品种的Pn日变化均为单峰曲线,大别山1号和4号的峰值出现在12:00,2号和3号峰值出现在11:00,不存在光合午休现象;(2)4个油茶品种Tr日变化均为单峰曲线,但峰值出现时间不一致;(3)eWUE的日变化总体呈逐渐下降的趋势,最高值出现在8:00,到16:00以后有小幅上升,随后迅速下降;(4)从4个油茶的光补偿点(ELCP)和光饱和点(ELSP)来看,均为耐阴喜光的阳性树种。  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to identify the effects of manganese (Mn) on the activity of peroxidase (PO) and the amount of ascorbic acid (AsA) and lignin, as well as the cell viability of suspension-cultured tea cells (Camellia sinensis L. cv. Yabukita). Cells were grown in B5 medium (containing 0.06 mmol L?1 Mn) and cultured for 24 h in medium with a Mn concentration of 0.9 mmol L?1 as an excess treatment. No significant difference was observed between cellular growth and the viability of the cultured tea cells after treatment with excess Mn compared with cells grown under control conditions, although the content of Mn in cells in the excess Mn treatment was 12-fold higher than that of the control cells. The amount of total AsA was also not affected by the Mn treatment. The activity of ionically wall-bound peroxidase (IPO) increased in the presence of excess Mn, unlike the content of lignin. Conversely, the activities of soluble PO and covalently wall-bound PO decreased with excess Mn. These findings suggested that IPO might contribute to Mn tolerance in tea cells. However, its role in the mechanism(s) of Mn tolerance has not been elucidated.  相似文献   
油茶是指山茶科山茶属植物中油脂含量较高且具有栽培经济价值的一类植物的总称。通过对江西省已筛选出的26个油茶无性系,采用仪器测试和统计分析的方法对脂肪酸组成进行分析,得出不同油茶无性系脂肪酸成分和构成比例差异。茶油是一种非常好的食用油,在所测试的26个品系中,油脂中不饱和脂肪酸平均含量为90.35%,其中平均油酸含量为81.73%;饱和脂肪酸平均含量为9.43%。由色谱结果可以明显看出:不同品系间油脂脂肪酸组成及其含量存在明显差异。不同品系油脂脂肪酸组成及其含量存在明显差异,该实验数据可以为油茶的品质选育提供丰富的基础材料。  相似文献   
稀土对茶园增产及品质影响的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过常规分析方法、 生物痕量分析技术及酶活性检测等手段对茶园喷施稀土后的一些 生理生化指标进行了分析。 结果表明, 喷施稀土可明显提高叶绿素的含量, 有利于光合 作用; 增强了谷氨酸脱氢酶(GDH)、 过氧化氢酶(CAT)、 过氧化物酶(POD)及肽酶(PTD)等 酶活性; 提高了茶叶水浸出物含量, 品质得分高于对照; 有利于  相似文献   
以金花茶成年树茎段为外植体进行离体器官发生研究。结果表明:分段消毒法是较为理想的消毒方式;附加2 mg.L-1BA及0.5 mg.L-1IAA的改良WPM培养基适合诱导腋芽萌发,萌发率达57.1%;芽苗在附加3 mg.L-1BA及0.2 mg.L-1IAA的改良WPM培养基上增殖效果较好;在附加4 mg.L-1或6 mg.L-1NAA的1/2MS培养基上可诱导芽苗生根。  相似文献   
几种植物生长调节剂对油茶花期授粉率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用不同生长调节剂在油茶(Camellia oleifera)花芽分化期和盛花期进行试验,结果显示,花芽分化期采用2 000 mg/L细胞分裂素或1 000 mg/L乙烯利进行喷雾可促进花芽分化;盛花期采用200 mg/L防落素+0.5%尿素或500 mg/L细胞分裂素处理可较大幅度地增加花朵的授粉受精率,促进座果,座果率显著高于对照.  相似文献   
谢国阳 《福建林业科技》2012,(1):153-155,170
在分析福建省油茶良种繁育现状的基础上,提出加大优良品种引进力度、充分挖掘自主选育品种、积极提升现有品种质量、强化油茶种苗质量管理、加强油茶良种生产指导等对策。  相似文献   
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